May 9th: An other long drive was lying in front of us. After the long ride from yesterday we went to bed early and decided to wake up early to avoid any kind of time constraints. We did not want to repeat the saga from yesterday. We woke up at 5h30am to hit the road no later than 6h15am. Not knowing which kind of road conditions to expect. Coming out of the guesthouse the sun was just about to rise. What a magnificent view. Masuleh in the sunrise do not miss out on that. The small little dorp build into the mountains looks unforgettable than.
The route we had chosen was leading us through the town uphills. Narrow streets but still a decent road…. 5 km outside Masuleh the picture changed. We had to go up to 2700 m again and the roads were also hit by the flood. Here we go again 😂😂😂! For a second we looked at each other and thought the same: let’s go rather back because we have no spare…. Guess what? …. we went on despite not having a spare tire. It is a risk! If you ever get to this decision point be aware of the consequences.
So we went again through difficult terrain and we were looking really not to hit any rock… not an easy task on that kind of of roads. Martin made it through this amazing landscape in a perfect way…. after two hours we were back on normal roads.
We did not really have breakfast in the morning so we Stopped next to the freeway on top of a mountain to have a scenic view. There we celebrated our huge breakfast… we cooked tea, had an apple, some cookies and enjoyed just our life. The spot gave us also the opportunity to watch some trucks coming down hill on the freeway. Uh … dangerous what we saw… they all drive low gear but the smell of the breaks is telling a very critical story … stay away from them. We are not sure if all the trucks are really geared up for this part of the freeway.
The landscape on our way changed on the constant base… from Green to Rocks and and …. difficult to describe but I believe the photos we will display will tell it all. You all would feel astonished what this country has to offer in that respect.
One of the freeways was again a toll road. You will remember if you follow the Blog which experience we made before…“Alemania … no money … go“. What can we say we experienced the same again twice today. The people are so friendly to foreigners…. especially to some nice German boys😂😂😜.
After 7h we reached Tabriz. A bit the junction between countries: Turkey, Iran, Irak and Aserbaidschan. Very hectic traffic maybe related to that. But for us the worse so far on our tour. Reaching our pleasant Hotel Laleh Park we decide to go to the Basar direct after check in to buy some gifts. When we stopped at the parking we saw it: the left rear tire is losing air pressure. Uff … Hope we can make it across the border tomorrow and change tires.
We called a taxi and went to the Basar. Guess what? It is really not our time the last two days: Half of the Basar was closed because of a fire yesterday… can you believe it! We still went. Honestly having seen so many of them by now and than the one in Tabriz…. our view: you can skip it.
The rest of the day is all about relaxing and preparing for a super dinner tonight. Tomorrow we will leave Iran. What stays with us apart from all the adventures things we experienced is: the friendly people all across Iran, the superb and divers landscape and the nice weather. We will come back for sure. Tomorrow we start our adventure to cross the border to Turkey….. let’s see how long it will take us.